Programming languages with their uses
a) Python :
1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Machine learning
3. Data Analytics
4. Data Visualization
5. Web Development using Frameworks – Django, Pyramid, and Flask
6. Game Development using Python
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b) JavaScript :
1. Rich Interactive Web Development
2. Mobile Applications using React Native
3. Game Development using game engines such as PhysicsJs,Pixi.js
4. Creating Webservers using node.js
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c) Java :
1. Enterprise Application development
2. Desktop GUI Applications
3. Game development using frameworks - LibGDX and OpenGL
4. Big data technology
5. IoT Application
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d) C / C++ :
1. Operating system and system tools
2. Game development
3. Browsers are mostly used in C++ for rendering purposes
4. Advance computation and graphics
5. Compilers
6. Embedded systems
7. Enterprise software
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e) R :
1. Data analysis
2. Data science
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f) Golang ;
Server side programming
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g) C# :
1.Application & Web Development Using .NET
2.Game development (Ex - Unity game engine)
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h) SQL :
Database management
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i) Swift :
Mobile app development on IOS
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j) Solidity :
Writing smart contracts